Happy Birthday to All!

While we were in Hawaii, it was both Uncle Tommy and Sydney's birthdays! So, we got a fabulous cake and proceeded to celebrate....

Here's Syd opening her gifts...

And London (well, hers was in only 12 days...)

And Nate......(well, we didn't get to see him for his back in April!)

And Will! (his was coming up in July)


  1. awe! hi guys this is cousin caty i miss you all sooooo much sydney and london ya'lls haircut is sooo cute and i love the glasses syd. ya'll should call sometime soon. love you byeee

  2. Hey, be sure to check out my blog. You've been "tagged." Sorry!

  3. Massers,
    So great to find yout blog! Hope all is well in California!

    Brian, Debra, and Sadie Eichenberger