International Celebrations

This week at London's school, we celebrated and learned about Chinese New Year. So, London dressed up in costume, as a little China Doll. We received this outfit as a gift to Sydney years ago, from some friends of ours from China.

What's that on your shoulder, Syd?

By the way, our little "unbreakable" China doll has this lovely boo boo left over on her eyebrow from crashing into the coffee table last was almost an ER visit!

Oh! G'day! It's Australia Day! Sydney found this on the calendar, and she insisted we celebrate! (In honor of her namesake, Sydney Australia). We researched it on the net and made a flag cake, and had a little party! She even took information and activity sheets to school. It was a fun day!

I am reading a tongue twisting Fox in Sox to Texas Grandma! Mom says she can't even get through this book! Posted by Picasa

Always time for cuddles too! We had such a GREAT Christmas everywhere we went! Thank you to all our relatives for all your love and care! Posted by Picasa

Visiting Big Maw Maw at her new house! She is always so sweet to us! Posted by Picasa

Oh, man. I am truly a princess! What is all this spoiling going on!? Posted by Picasa

Grandma is helping me with my NEW sewing machine! Mom is gonna set it up right next to hers at home so we can sew together! Posted by Picasa

Opening presents at Texas Grandma's! Posted by Picasa

Daddy likes Barbies too! Posted by Picasa

I can't believe it! Texas Grandma got me my very own Barbie! She's gently steering me away from my life of crime......for I usually steal sissie's barbies! Posted by Picasa

London with Grandma Julie and their new pup Cheyenne! Posted by Picasa

Uncle Tommy (Claudia's brother) & Will. Posted by Picasa

With cousins Caty and Colin and Grandfather and Julie's house in College Station (Caldwell, TX). Posted by Picasa

Oh, yeah, Mom, I'm gonna jump right in, just as soon as you turn your head....... Posted by Picasa

Playing in the fountain at the Gaylord! Posted by Picasa

Don't eat the fake gingerbread house! The cookies may be real but the "frosting" is caulk! EW. Posted by Picasa

Here we are touring the Gaylord Texan Hotel (same guy who designed the amazing Opryland hotel)......there were cool trains everywhere! Posted by Picasa

Playing on Cousin Will's new soccer beanbag chair. All us kids like to play "run and jump on".....whether it's this chair, or the air mattress we sleep on. Eventually someone gets hurt, but until then it's a blast! Posted by Picasa

Helping with cleaning and feeding Baby Nate! Posted by Picasa

A puzzling time!  Posted by Picasa

Syd loves to read with Uncle Tommy! They both got some good new books for Christmas. Posted by Picasa

Oh yeah, I'm a princess! Don't you forget it. I won't let you anyway. I usually wander around with my pink "blankie" on my shoulders saying "I'm a Pencess!" Posted by Picasa

Stockings are fun! This year I can really appreciate all this even more! Posted by Picasa

Cousin Will decided to play Polly Pockets with me. Then his parents wondered why they don't make cool boy action figures like this! Uncle Tommy especially enjoyed playing! Posted by Picasa

Oh, yeah! Lip gloss! Posted by Picasa