Please Pray

Please pray for our friend Brenna Logsdon. Many of you have already heard her story from us, but for those of you who haven't, here's a very brief tale. Brenna is a bright, sweet, heavenly 7 year old from Cleveland, Oklahoma, who is battling brain cancer right now. She's at St. Jude's in Memphis undergoing several rounds of chemo, after her 3 brain surgeries and her radiation. In the midst of all this, she has remained a smiling, joy-spreading sweetheart and is an inspiration to anyone she meets.
Nevertheless, this joy doesn't negate the pain that she experiences, or the sickness on a daily basis during treatments. Her father David ministers in Cleveland but is graciously given plenty of time to come be with her and her mother Bettina. Their other children Jalen and Bella could use prayer to, for God to help them through this trial with their dear sister.
Finally, please pray for the newest member of the family, little "Chipmunk," as he/she is called, the baby Bettina is carrying. Recently they learned through an ultrasound that there may be problems with the little one.
Thank you for your faith and prayers!

Here is a link to their website:

The Mini PGA tour hit Myrtle this year....

Happy Birthday to YOU, Will! Sorry, our singing looks like it's bad or loud enough that Syd has to shut her own ears......Well, it's the thought that counts!

Syd cuddling with Uncle John!

Fun with cousins at the local Science Center

Hey, wait a minute.....what year did you graduate from medical school? Can I see that medical license of yours please? (aka - more fun at the hands-on Science Center)

From Sea to Shining Sea!

Help! I'm being Noogied by my crazy Uncle Tommy!

My Grandpa Jim has turned into a penguin!

Yes, I appear sweet and snuggly at times....Love you Grandma Fran!

Here we are in flight on our way to the Grandparents' East Coast beach house! Nothing like a little vacation and family reunion! (and 8 hours on a plane! ha!)

Sand Castle Strategy with cousin Will!

Here Kitty, Kitty...

Hmmmmm.....the cat actually STAYED while I crawled up here in Mom and Dad's bed.....

Maybe I can just stay here and she won't run away....

Look! I'm attempting the semi-cuddle!!! She's still here!

We just want to say THANKS!

The girls were so blessed on their birthdays. Shortly after we arrived in Cali, both girls had their birthdays, strangers in a strange land. With all your help and love, we were able to plan the aforementioned big trip to SEA WORLD for them to celebrate!

Ooooh, la la!!! Sea World fun, here we come!

Syd wishing for a great life in her new home!

Mom and dad got me a new basket for my new tricycle!

oh, yeah.....chocoholic....gotta get every last bit of chocolate off my Cinderella candle!

Shamu, Here We Come!!

Wonder why I'm falling asleep on a public bench? Just look at these energetic children!

Our first big trip to Sea World with our friends Tom, Christi, & Allison! These girls had SOOOOO much fun!

Sharing an ice cream treat in the hot afternoon....

Shamu really seemed taken with Sydney for several minutes when we were able to do one on one interaction with the Orca long before the show.