Learning Colors and Making Music

Well, the children continue to thrive and learn...... sometimes things they are supposed to, even! We've been working on "colors" with London for oh so long now....

For instance, the other day, Marshall asked London repeatedly, "what color is your orange" (that she was eating)? London looked up & said "yellow." Last night I asked her what color my red shirt was. "Yellow." I'm not sure if I'm hoping she's just color blind or not!

We did have a breakthrough the other day, tho! During our work day at church, London watched as Daddy cleaned the church toilets with that great blue cleaner, scrubbing, and leaving blue residue everywhere in the potty. London was amazed and fascinated "Blue poop!" she chanted over and over....

Then, later that day..... when it was bedtime and we were at home, the girls got their jammies on and got ready to brush their teeth. Well, the minute I put that kiddy toothpaste on London's toothbrush, she pointed and screamed out it delight, "Blue poop! Blue poop!" Thus, I had to spend the next several minutes convincing her that it was not blue poop and that she should never under any circumstance put "blue poop" on her toothbrush or anywhere near her mouth, yadda yadda yadda! yikes! Well, at least she KNOWS A COLOR NOW!

Sydney is our budding musician. She has been taking piano lessons officially for a week. (before that, she worked all summer with Mom on informal lessons) We have our second lesson tomorrow! Her teacher keeps saying how smart she is and how she already has such good piano habits (looking at the music, not her fingers, & keeping her fingers on the keys) already just naturally. Syd really seems to enjoy it. And it's been neat to hear her practice her little pieces all week, and to hear them change from kinda disjointed to really sounding like real songs, very well played!

Her piano teacher wanted her to have a tote bag just for her piano books and materials, so we decided she could pick out something special. Daddy sat down with her on the internet last week and they hand designed her bag and ordered it. It just came in the mail the other day and she was so excited!

Syd also went ice skating for the first time today AND is beginning to sprout her first adult tooth as of this morning! yahoo!


  1. Congratulations on learning the color blue London! I am also glad that Mommy told you to never put blue poop on your toothbrush or anywhere near your face. :) Sydney, you sound like a wonderful piano player. I can't wait till I can listen to you play. I used to take piano lessons when I was your age too.

  2. What a fun idea! I love this. Thanks for letting me know about ya'll site. Unfortunatley, you'll have to send out email reminders to get me to check your site with any regularity, I'm just not very good at doing things like that. love nonnie