The Tale of the Flower Fairy & the Frog

Once upon a time there was a lovely Flower Fairy named Sydnalina, who blossomed out of the fall flowers one day. She became a beautiful flying creature who could charm many and spread giggle dust all around the garden.....One day, walking through the garden she met a comical frog named "Schroggy" (which is how London says froggy). They became fast friends.

Together Sydnalina & Schroggy traveled to a party at the watering hole called New Springs. There they went "fishing" and raced for prizes. They did crafts and fun games. They met friends, like the Princess Tanner.

Schroggy got her face painted in a yellow happy face, and Sydnalina got a rainbow!

Sydnalina returned to the garden with a sachel full of chocolate and good cheer.

Schroggy just shrugged her shoulders, rolled her eyes (she does that a LOT), and said, "That's all folks!"


  1. I love the pictures and the blog! What fun!!

  2. What a fun night you girls must have had. I love the costumes and the story idea.