"Cheese!" Says London, trying on old fashioned clothes at the Shiloh Museum of Ozark History.

"Don't I look marvelous?" Now I am ready to go collect eggs, milk the cow, and hand wash all the laundry, just like in the olden Ozark days!

Sydney is playing "stable hand" in the old timey stables outside at the museum.

We Masser girls attended the fun Shiloh Storytelling Festival, where we got to hear the Bear Lady tell stories about how the teddy bear got its name, among others. She had a jillion stuffed bears to let the kids see and touch! When the girls went to sit down in front with the children at storytime, they were so polite to say "excuse me" as they walked by...... they were even complimented afterward by 2 other ladies! However, the funny part was London completely forgot to say "excuse me" when right in the middle of stories, she passed some gas and yelled out "I tooted! I tooted!" (giggle giggle)......

Ooh, the suns in Syd's eyes! Oops! Here we are leaving the Shiloh Museum. We must come back. It was a fun, free Saturday adventure with stories, outside fun, checkers, a quilting puzzle, and lunch too! THANK YOU to the Shiloh Museum (Springdale) for our fun day!
Posted in:
Saturday, November 05, 2005
6:54 PM